Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Just To Be Alive ... one year and counting since


To his left as he faces the sea is a sewage (raw) outfall .... on the structure and all along the beach are examples of the free floating debris that is in water ... the waves as you can see are taller than he is ... and the wind is blowing at a steady 60 ... gusting to 90/100 .... and the other hint that he is nuts is he is the only one trying to get in .... oh yes windy or not the water temp is something in the order of 55 degree F or about 12 degrees C  ...probably a candidate for the Darwin list ... but only if he didn't make .... Neil

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Gas Leak

they blocked the street off in all directions in case it blew 

The Grandchildren discovered new play things 

Run the Lights ... drive the truck

Drive the truck run the lights ... 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Looking South From Dallas Road Victoria BC

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Taking up the Middle of the Pack is Dave

David and I talked for about 20 minutes and in that time most of the kids went by and I missed my shot ... big smile

Kids on Country Lane

Introduction to life in the neighbourhood of Metchosin for Lester B Pearson class of 2013/2014